Who we are
Food for Biodiversity e.V. is an alliance of companies in the food sector, environmental organizations, standard-setting bodies, and scientific institutions. Our goal is to embed the protection and promotion of biodiversity throughout the entire value chain of the food industry. We develop practical solutions, foster dialogue between businesses, science, and environmental organizations, and advocate for a sustainable transformation of the industry.
The board of Food for Biodiversity e.V. is composed of experienced representatives from the food industry, environmental and nature conservation, science and agriculture, and shapes the strategic direction of the association. The association is supported by three employees.
Our Board:
Peter Zens
Chair - Board member of the Biodiversity in Good Company Initiative
Andrea Schwalber
Vice Chairperson - Sustainability Manager of Nestlé Germany AG
Nadja Kasperczyk
Associate - Representative of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL
Marion Hammerl
Treasurer and President of the Global Nature Fund
„Food for Biodiversity“ supports the goals of the German and European Biodiversity Strategy as well as the UN-Goals for Sustainable Development – in particular the protection of marine ecosystems (14), the protection of terrestrial ecosystems (15) as well as the promotion of sustainable consumption and production (12) and climate protection (13).
Companies in the food sector
- EDEKA ZENTRALE Stiftung & Co. KG
- Hochland SE
- Kaufland Stiftung & Co. KG
- Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG
- Nestlé Deutschland AG
- REWE Group
- Zentis Fruchtwelt GmbH & Co. KG
Environmental associations
- Lake Constance Foundation
- Global Nature Fund (GNF)
- NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.
- Netzwerk Blühende Landschaft
- WWF Germany
- WWF Austria
Standard organisations
- 4C Services GmbH
- BioDiversityGrow
- Biokreis e.V. – Verband für ökologischen Landbau
und gesunde Ernährung - Donau Soja
- ECOVIN Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau e.V.
- Fairtrade Germany
- International Sustainability and Carbon Certification, ISCC e.V.
- Naturland – Verband für ökologischen Landbau e.V.
- Rainforest Alliance
Scientific institutions
- Crop Trust
- FiBL – Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau
Supporting members
- Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelhersteller (AöL)
- ‘Biodiversity in Good Company’ Initiative e.V.
- Bundesverband des Deutschen Lebensmittelhandels e.V. (BVLH)
The association has three working groups in which the members are in active exchange with each other:
WG Pilot Projects and Monitoring
WG Communication and Awareness Raising
WG Sustainability labeling
On UN World Wildlife Day on 3 March 2021, representatives from business and society founded the association “Food for Biodiversity”. Thirteen companies, associations and standard organisations from the food industry as well as environmental associations and a research institute want to contribute to stopping the loss of species and habitats. The founding members of “Food for Biodiversity” include the food sector companies REWE Group, Kaufland, Lidl and Nestlé, the standard organisations Fairtrade Germany, Rainforest Alliance and Naturland, the environmental associations Global Nature Fund, NABU – Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany, Lake Constance Foundation and the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), as well as the business associations Association of Organic Food Producers (AöL) and the “Biodiversity in Good Company” initiative as supporting members.