Here you will find our event information and press releases.
Current events
European Conference 2024 – Biodiversity in Food Supply Chains
Our conference highlighted that biodiversity is key to sustainable food systems. Pragmatism, data as a tool, and trustful collaboration are essential for implementing scalable solutions. Biodiversity offers not only ecological but also strategic opportunities for resilient supply chains. Discover more insights and highlights from the conference!

Past events
18/19 January 2024 GFFA Innovation Forum
The 16th GFFA (Global Forum for Food and Agriculture) will take place in Berlin from January 17 – 20, 2024 under the motto: “Food systems of the future: Together for a world without hunger”.
As part of the GFFA, the GFFA Innovation Forum will take place on January 18 and 19, at which we will be represented with a stand.
The GFFA Innovation Forum is an exhibition format that focuses on innovative projects, practical examples and novel solutions that encompass the central theme of the GFFA. We will be joined by over 20 scientific institutions, NGOs, companies, including start-ups, as well as public authorities and associations to provide an insight into their pioneering innovations and activities.
Find out more about the GFFA Innovation Forum at:
The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is the international conference on key issues for the future of global agriculture and food policy. It takes place annually parallel to the International Green Week (IGW) in Berlin. The GFFA is organized by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in cooperation with the Senate of Berlin and Messe Berlin GmbH.

22-23 Mai 2023 National Conference "Biodiversity in the Food Sector"
Hardly any other industry is as dependent on intact ecosystems and their services as the food sector. But overexploitation, pollution, habitat destruction and the climate crisis have been leading to a steady increase in species extinction for years – according to the World Biodiversity Council, around one million species worldwide are acutely threatened with extinction. So how can the food industry respond to this trend and develop more sustainable strategies for the future? What levers can be used to better protect ecosystems? These and other questions were discussed at the specialist conference “Biodiversity in the Food Sector” on May 22 and 23, 2023 at the Evangelische Akademie in Frankfurt am Main.
07./08.10.2021Conference "Biodiversity in the Food Trade"
Biodiversity protection must become part of the food industry’s understanding of quality! The conference “Biodiversity in the Food Trade” on 7 and 8 October 2021 in Fulda was a complete success – there is a mood of optimism. The BioRegio Institute and the Global Nature Fund (GNF) had invited to the event. 60 participants and speakers discussed live about promising approaches to promote biodiversity along the food value chains.
20.05.2021Conference "Biodiversity in the Food Industry"
Together with agriculture, the food sector has a major impact on biodiversity. By supporting food standards and through effective and targeted procurement requirements, the food sector can make a significant contribution to halting biodiversity loss. There is an urgent need for action here! The newly founded association “Food for Biodiversity”, founded in March 2021, has set itself this goal.
As part of a kick-off conference, we provided information on the topic on 20.05.2021, shortly before the “International Day for Biological Diversity”.
14.05.2021Five successful years for biodiversity in the food sector: environmental foundations take stock
Five successful years for biodiversity in the food sector: environmental foundations take stock!
Since 2016, the Global Nature Fund (GNF) and the Lake Constance Foundation have worked together with partner organisations in the “LIFE Food & Biodiversity” project to establish biodiversity as a core element of the European food industry. Now the project came to a close – and the new association “Food for Biodiversity” continues the commitment to its goals with strong support.
03.03.2021A strong alliance for biodiversity - Food for Biodiversity association is founded
Foundation on 3 March 2021, the International Day for the Protection of Species.
Press releases (GER)
Pressemitteilung 16.07.2024
Gemeinsam für mehr biologische Vielfalt: Lebensmittelbranche diskutiert Lösungen, um Biodiversitätsverlust zu stoppen
Den Schutz der Biodiversität effektiv in den Lieferketten verankern – wie dies mit
großen Schritten gelingen kann, ist das Thema der europäischen Konferenz „Biodiversity in Food
Supply Chains“, die vom 13.-14. November 2024 in Berlin stattfinden wird.
Pressemitteilung 15.10.2021
Biologische Vielfalt: Grundlage für die Food–Branche
Biodiversitätsschutz muss Teil des Qualitätsverständnisses der Lebensmittelbranche werden!
Die Tagung „Biodiversität im Lebensmittelhandel“ in Fulda war ein voller Erfolg – es herrscht